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Preprocessing and Augmentation

3-D registration and denoising, random intensity augmentation

Image preprocessing and image augmentation prepare data for advanced medical image analysis workflows. Use image preprocessing to reduce image acquisition artifacts and format data for the target workflow. For example, you can remove noise, normalize intensity values, resize image voxels, or align images using registration. Use image augmentation to increase the amount and variability of training data for deep learning workflows. For example, you can randomly adjust image contrast or apply random rotations or scaling to simulate variations in image acquisition and patient anatomy. To get started, seeGet Started with Image Preprocessing and Augmentation for Deep Learning.


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specklefilt Filter image using speckle-reducing anisotropic diffusion
imfilter N-D filtering of multidimensional images
medfilt2 2-D median filtering
medfilt3 3-D median filtering
imgaussfilt 2-D Gaussian filtering of images
imgaussfilt3 3-D Gaussian filtering of 3-D images
fspecial Create predefined 2-D filter
fspecial3 Create predefined 3-D filter

Fast Registration

因gmoment Fast registration of grayscale images or intensity volumes using moment of mass method

Optimization-Based Registration

因gister Intensity-based image registration
因gtform Estimate geometric transformation that aligns two 2-D or 3-D images
因gconfig Configurations for intensity-based registration
MattesMutualInformation Mattes mutual information metric configuration
MeanSquares Mean square error metric configuration
RegularStepGradientDescent Regular step gradient descent optimizer configuration
OnePlusOneEvolutionary One-plus-one evolutionary optimizer configuration

Deformable Registration

因gdeform Deformable registration of grayscale images or intensity volumes using total variation method
因gdemons Estimate displacement field that aligns two 2-D or 3-D images

Groupwise Registration

因ggroupwise Groupwise deformable registration

Correlation-Based Registration

因gcorr Estimate geometric transformation that aligns two 2-D images using phase correlation
normxcorr2 Normalized 2-D cross-correlation

Surface Registration

因gicp Surface registration using iterative closest point algorithm

Apply Transformation

imwarp Apply geometric transformation to image
resample Resample medical image volume in different patient coordinate system
jitterIntensity Randomly augment intensity of grayscale image or intensity volume
randomWindow2d Randomly select rectangular region in image
randomCropWindow3d Create randomized cuboidal cropping window
centerCropWindow2d Create rectangular center cropping window
centerCropWindow3d Create cuboidal center cropping window
Rectangle Spatial extents of 2-D rectangular region
Cuboid Spatial extents of 3-D cuboidal region
randomAffine2d Create randomized 2-D affine transformation
randomAffine3d Create randomized 3-D affine transformation
affineOutputView Create output view for warping images
imerase Remove image pixels within rectangular region of interest


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