How do I create a shortcut or link to MATLAB?

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How do I create a shortcut or link to MATLAB?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 16 Sep 2022
Edited:MathWorks Support Team on 16 Sep 2022
How you create a shortcut to MATLAB depends on your operating system. Regardless of operating system you will need to know where MATLAB is located before you can create a shortcut. See “How do I launch MATLAB?“ for help finding MATLAB.
你可以创建一个快捷方式到桌面或can add MATLAB to your Start Menu.
  • To create a shortcut, right-click on matlab.exe and select “Send to >” and then select “Desktop (create shortcut)”.
  • To add MATLAB to the Start Menu, right-click on matlab.exe and select “Pin to start.”
You can add MATLAB to your Dock or you can create an alias.
  • To add MATLAB to your Dock, simply drag the application onto the Dock and wait until the other icons make room for the MATLAB icon. Then release the MATLAB icon.
  • To create an alias, right-click or control-click MATLAB in your application folder and select “Make Alias.” The alias will be created in the same folder MATLAB is in, so you need to move it to where you want it to be.
You can create a symbolic link for MATLAB in /usr/local/bin/ so you can run MATLAB from anywhere. To do so, create the link with the ln -s command. For example, if you are using R2022a and it is installed in the default installation directory, run this command:
ln-s /usr/local/MATLAB/R2022b/bin/matlab /usr/local/sbin/matlab
This will allow you to run MATLAB from anywhere on your system without needing to first navigate to the MATLAB installation directory.
If you are on a Linux distribution that can use Desktop shortcuts, then please consult your distribution's instructions for creating a shortcut.
Giadira Leon
Giadira Leon on 1 Mar 2022
如果当我右键单击matlab, exe I do not get the "Pin to start" option?

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More Answers (2)

ray brunkow
ray brunkow on 23 Dec 2015
while the linux portion used to be true for the launcher, that is no longer the case if you are running Gnome3 for your desktop. Does anyone have a solution for the Gnome3 desktop environment?
Kyle Perry
Kyle Perry on 8 Mar 2017
Hello Sherif,
The instructions listed above for Windows apply for Windows 8, however if you are having difficulty, please contact us so we can help resolve the issue.

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HyungJun Goo
HyungJun Goo on 17 Jun 2019
what if it says Permission denied..? like this Screenshot from 2019-06-17 17-30-19.png
Ajinkya on 9 Jan 2023 at 12:15
use sudo commaond when you are working in /usr/* folder

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