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Read, write, and visualize lidar data

Lidar readers process the raw data generated by lidar sensors. There are a wide variety of lidar sensors available in the industry, which generate lidar data in different formats. Lidar Toolbox™ currently supports reading data in the PLY, Velodyne®PCAP, PCD, LAS, LAZ, Ibeo, Ouster®and Hesai®PCAP sensor formats.

You can also stream data from Velodyne and Ouster sensors. For more information, see

激光雷达的工具箱supports writing to PLY, PCD, LAS and LAZ sensor formats.


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lasFileReader LAS or LAZ file reader
velodyneFileReader Read point cloud data fromVelodynePCAP file
ousterFileReader Read point cloud data fromOusterPCAP file
hesaiFileReader Read point cloud data fromHesaiPCAP file
e57FileReader Read point cloud data from E57 file
ibeoLidarReader Ibeo data container (IDC) file reader
pcread Read 3-D point cloud from PLY or PCD file
lasFileWriter LAS or LAZ file writer
pcwrite Write 3-D point cloud to PLY or PCD file
pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
pcshowpair Visualize difference between two point clouds
pcplayer Visualize streaming 3-D point cloud data
pointCloud Object for storing 3-D point cloud
rangeSensor 年代imulate range-bearing sensor readings
lidarSensor 年代imulate lidar sensor readings


Lidar Sensor Generate lidar point cloud data for a scene

